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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rainy-day Art Show in Todi, Italy: Art Matters

It's raining in Umbria. And that's the forecast for the next few days. How else does the grass stay so green and the flowers grow? From a selfish viewpoint, though, I'm from Vancouver and tired of all the rain I've already stored up inside me. Besides, my walking sticks slide on the rocks when it's raining. But it's silly to complain in paradiso. 

San Fortunato Fresco, Todi
Last night I went to Palazzo Morelli, now an art gallery in Todi to the opening night of a show of Jack Sal's artistic works. The artist was there, along with a considerable number of others. If you know Sal's work, his recent paintings offer  quite a contrast with the building containing it. Quite a minimalist series of poplar panels geometrically designed with striped of medical tape and lines of pigment works was set on the walls of a this old renaissance-baroque palace. The contrast was delightful. 

The artist, a poet who had collaborated with him on a well-wrought art book of drawings and ekphrasis (poetry about or stimulated by visual art) presented talks, as did others, including local artists who had gathered for the opening and refreshments. We spent considerable time listening to each other hold forth on "artists", what art "is",  its value (commercial, cultural, aesthetic, and other meanings) and the problems art today faces. It's an old and continuing discussion. But it gets tiresome ... even in Italian (which I like to listen to but hardly understand). 

The bottom line, for me, is that artists (self-defined) need to make art (however defined) and lovers of art, or even the timidly interested in it, need to support art in all the ways they can: go to see it, buy it if one can, rent or lend space for artists to work in and show their works, leave comments on artist sites, etcetera, etcetera, etc. I don't hold to any pre-ordained or politically correct "purpose" for art. I just know that art been part of human life and evolution since at least the earliest cave records of it. We need to make and interact with art to live meaningfully (no didactics here):  to see our world  and beyond it in all ways accessible to us.  Artworks need to interact with people, or they become petrified. So what helps this to happen?

Talking about art in society tends to inflate to discussions of "big things". But acting on the fact that art matters usually happens on a smaller scale for most of us. Doing anything on a big scale, involving such things as changes in governmental policies, or corporate finances, or the wished-for big-daddy patron, is beyond what most of us can effectively manage to do. But what about working the small scale? I'm talking about local awareness, access, and support of varying kinds that a community can come up with:  like one apartment building's worth of awareness/access/support for art and resident-artists; or cooperative sustenance within small communities?  Maybe even the internet can be useful in this. Any such ideas you've seen in action? 

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Photo by JS,
This posting takes us back to France, a wonderful area to travel and live, sampling the grapes, the food, enjoying the colors and textures of the countryside, marveling at the natural beauty and yes, finding this taxidermic hedgehog among the treasures at a local art museum. Really, this posting is  about hedgehogs and related matters. (It's sad, I agree, that my first experience of a hedgehog was of a stuffed one, as one reader commented.)

Why did I stop to take this photo? Because of its natural appeal: that posture,  that rotund little body that can roll itself into a ball, that peculiar little face; it's also called 'urchin'. And it's an oddity for me because hedgehogs are not  native to North America and I've never seen one, so I was curious about it. Years ago,  I remember reading that many of them were being killed by cars in Europe. They also tend to get their heads stuck in pipes, tubes and various containers. I felt some sympathy.

Another reason is that I was reading The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery, a French novelist and former professor of philosophy. It's an interesting mix of eccentric characters that I enjoyed even when irritated by them. The story and its bits of philosophy and social-class dissection are narrated alternately by a middle-aged concierge and a precocious 12-year-old girl of the upper-bourgeosie. Both of them are ruthlessly intellectual, judgmental, and often obnoxious while also, to my mind, often being right-on in their discernment and more than a little hilarious. It's quite a coup of a book, and it has more heart than appears likely from my description.

[Related Links: A link I like for animal-related matters animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/hedgehog and for kids:  kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/.../hedgehog/. There seem to clubs out there devoted to domesticated hedgehogs also:  http://exoticpets.about.com/b/2009/11/17/hedgehogs-as-pets.htm
As for The Elegance of the Hedgehog, you can check your usual book sources for borrowing or purchasing, and here's a fuller review: www.goodreads.com/book/.../2967752-the-elegance-of-the-hedgehog]

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To Blog or Not To Blog?

It's just my first week of blogging but already I can almost see it rearing up in front of me: one of those unavoidable bumper-stickers, this one saying:

No, no, say it isn't so!

But I feel myself falling into the great void that must be Blogdom. It's a void but nevertheless it's overpopulated with people, or with virtual people. I'm experiencing the activity of blogging as a newbie.  I must say it has an infectious, addictive quality. Yet, I'm someone who cherishes my privacy, my intimacies, and the quality of knowing when to stop talking.

Go figure.

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The Royal Wedding from Afar

I actually want to see this royal shindig! This surprises me, given myun-fawning, non-royalist disposition. When becoming a Canadian citizen, I admit that I only whispered the loyalty oath to the monarch. So why this keen interest of mine?

I'm old enough to have seen Will and Harry grow up, and Elizabeth's pleasant portrait is on all my Canadian currency. A more matronly  portrait of her bedecked with jewels and festooned with ceremonial pins faces me on my weekly ferry rides  from Vancouver to Saturna Island, where we have a lovely home and my art studio. Besides, I loved the Helen Mirren movie of Elizabeth II. And now, a photo of this handsome couple is printed on Canadian stamps.

So, here I am in Umbria thinking about how to view the royal shindig tomorrow. Very Canadian, eh? We don't have a TV, so I hope I can stream it via computer.