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Monday, May 9, 2011

EVERYTHING is Photogenic in Southern France

To take a scenic photo in southern France, just point and shoot. BELIEVE IT. That's pretty much it. I'm posting some of the  sights I seen and photographed. So many more were just out there. Some of them are from walks in different rural settings in Languedoc; some are taken from the window of a moving car! 

With them, I wonder if taking photos helps (or might even hinder) one's experienced interest and enjoyment in looking and seeing. I know photos help me remember places and sometimes even the feelings associated with the place. But sometimes the search for photo opps hinders the flow of my getting involved with whatever I'm looking at. Certainly, because I don't set up a tripod, nor do I own anything like a pro photographer's toolkit, I know I can't really capture in a photo anything like the fullness of what I see. Still, I've also found that just having the camera hanging around my neck reminds me to really look at things, drawing me to details I'd otherwise miss. I especially like the camera for this. So, I take my camera with me but it's small enough to forget about. 
Today's Thought
I hate cameras.  They are so much more sure than I am about everything.  
John Steinbeck

top of St. Nazare Cathedral; view down towards toward Beziers (all photos by JS)
Here are some "scenic" shots, then. Some are of landmarks or de riguer places of note, others are of vistas that typically merit being called 'scenic'. Others are of little things that perhaps could otherwise have been passed by, like the Green Orange, below.

 from Beaux Arts, Beziers

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